Stewardship 2024

Growing In Faith Together…Time, Talent and Treasure

It frees our spirit of gratitude when we accept that all we have, everything we have learned, all the experience that has led to the collection of skills, knowledge and wisdom we have accumulated are gifts from God.  The grace that arises from that gratitude results in generosity.  As we consider living our faith through generosity and love to others, we are passing on bits of what God has gifted us.  Your time, talent and treasure are God’s gift to you…what you do with them is your gift back to God.

As we continue to reconnect with each other and the surrounding community, please find your gift(s) and commit to share them.  In the sharing,  we live faith together.  St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is on a wonderful path toward strengthening our commitment to a loving and caring St. Paul’s community.

There are important discussions in progress to identify and detail a financial picture for the future.  In the meantime, the expenses continue, and we sincerely thank you for your continued support of the ministries and your gifts that support all we do as a church community.

When we choose to share time, a particular talent or to share a bit of the treasure God has gifted to us, we are Growing In Faith Together.

In gratitude,

The StewMinCrew

To make a 2024 Pledge Commitment to St. Paul's, simply fill out the confidential online pledge card below and click SUBMIT. Thank you for your ongoing support of St. Paul's.

2024 Pledge Form

The Stewardship Ministry Mission Statement

The mission of the Stewardship Ministry at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is to discern, develop and implement a Stewardship Formation that spiritually moves the congregation to understand, support and celebrate the use of our parish resources to accomplish our church mission.